Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

What is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (E.M.D.R.)?

E.M.D.R. is a type of psychotherapy that is used to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing and unresolved life experiences. EMDR employs a structured approach to address past, present and future features of distressing memories. EMDR is a multifaceted approach that simultaneously focuses upon the body, mind and emotions that are rooted within post-traumatic symptoms and may include intrusive thoughts, nightmares, re-living experiences.

Problems EMDR can Help

As per NICE guidelines it has been proven that EMDR can help with the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, current research is indicating that EMDR may be useful and helpful for additional problems as listed below where it is identified that individuals may be more suited to this approach;

  • Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia
  • Specific Phobias e.g. spiders, lifts, blood / injury, confined spaces.
  • Social Phobia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Depression
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse

Evidence for EMDR

According to an independent body that was established to identify and promote scientifically evaluated good practice in physical and mental health, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines in the UK, EMDR is reported as being an evidence based type of psychotherapy that has been widely researched and proven, based upon outcome and effectiveness measures, to be the treatment of choice in alleviating and treating PTSD. www.nice.org.uk. Services offered by Lorraine are clinically excellent as advocated by NICE guidelines.

Individual EMDR Treatment

What is involved in therapy?

Within therapy, both client and therapist collaboratively work together to gain an understanding about the presenting problem, and in particular, focusing upon understanding the interaction between thoughts, behaviours and feelings including physical reactions and emotions. Therapy is therefore likely to differ from person to person due to how you as an individual may experience that problem.

EMDR is a structured focused approach, whereby the problem affecting the person is current (in the here and now). Treatment is time limited and goal driven – the duration of treatment can vary and last between 5 to 20 sessions. Treatment and pace of treatment is tailored to the needs of the individual. Progress and recovery are carefully monitored during treatment and evaluated regularly through the use of client and therapist rated measures. Sessions can be weekly or fortnightly and usually last 90 minutes.

EMDR should enable you to resolve current unresolved issues relating to traumatic memories

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Qualifications – who qualifies as an EMDR Therapist?

Lorraine is currently qualified to Level 3 in E.M.D.R., and is regularly supervised in accordance with EMDR UK & Ireland Association Guidelines by an Accredited Supervisor to ensure the highest standards of care are maintained.

For further detailed information regarding EMDR please follow this link.